Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Worlds I’d Want to/Never Want to Live In

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. The topic today is Bookish Worlds I’d want to/never want to live in. I decided to pick three where I’d like to live and three where I’d rather not live just off the top of my head.


Want to live in:


The Draconis Memoria – Anthony Ryan

Any world with dragons would be a definite ‘yes’ for me, but the one Anthony Ryan has created is (though slightly terrifying) so fascinating I’d really want to experience it. Seeing the different colour dragons in all their glory would be a dream come true! My chances of survival would probably be quite low, but I’d say it’s worth it 😉


Shades of Magic – V.E. Schwab

How awesome would it be to live in Arnes/Red London from the Shades of Magic books? A London where magic is prominant and vibrant. Preferably I’d be an Antari and be able to visit the other Londons too, just to see the contrast and be able to experience it all.


Lord of the Rings – J.R.R. Tolkien

This was an easy choice. I would give a lot to be able to experience the world Tolkien has created in such detail. There are so many aspects of it that I would like to explore! For now, I’ll have to do with the book and movies to get as close to it as I can.


Never want to live in:


Book of the Ancestor – Mark Lawrence

However much I love Nona and the abilities displayed in the book, living in a world mostly covered by ice does not sound nice. The constant threat of the ice advancing and covering even the last ice-free strip sends shivers up my spine. I’ve never been good with dealing with cold. The clear divide between poor and rich would also make my blood boil. Meeting Nona would be great though…


The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood

I think this one is pretty straightforward. Any world that treats women like they are treated in the book would not be one I would want to live in. It makes me sad that women in this world, in our reality have to go through similar things.


Monsters of Verity – V.E. Schwab

The world Schwab has created with the Malchai and Corsai terrorising the streets is one that is pretty terrifying and does not seem like a world I would want to live in, for obvious reasons! I’m intrigued by the idea of the Sunai, but not enough to brave the streets of Verity!

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