
Update: January

The first month of the new year has already come to an end in what has been a whirlwind 4 short weeks. I think I don’t have to tell you how this month has felt. For a lot of us it feels like the world has started to crash and burn around us. The one main thing that has warmed my heart though is the thousands of people coming together and supporting each other. For all the heartwrenching, scary stuff that’s happening, at least that is a little light in the darkness.


I vowed to read one book a week this year, adding up to 52 books in 2017. So far I’m still on track, which makes me incredibly happy. Lately I felt like I couldn’t keep to any challenges I set myself, but I seem to be improving. I’m now fully settled in Australia, living the Aussie life. Work is slowly starting to pick up again and socially I’m also getting some consistency back into my life. This year I’m coaching the Adelaide Augureys quidditch team, a lovely bunch of people who have welcomed me into their family with open arms.


Let’s have a look at the book side of things though, because I’ve read some exciting books the last few weeks and I’ve got some great ones lined up for the next month.


Read this month

An Ember in the Ashes – Sabaa Tahir


The many good ratings on Goodreads made me a bit wary about this book. Mostly it’s either hit or miss with me when they have such a high rating. To be fair, it has all the ingredients of a Young Adult book that would make me dislike it. Imagine my surprise when I absolutely freaking loved it. Somehow this book managed to avoid most pitfalls, which made me incredibly happy. It’s a real pageturner and had me hooked from the beginning. It’s not without some faults, but I enjoyed it a lot.

Review to come later this week!


A Gathering of Shadows – V.E. Schwab


This is the second book in the Shades of Magic series. I read the first one late last year and fell in love with the characters and the simple, yet intriguing world(s). This sequel was even better than the first book, with the introduction of new characters and the forging of some interesting connections. I can’t wait for the third book, A Conjuring of Light, to come out!




The Adversaries – David Hair


The second book in the Return of Ravana series and the sequel to a book that I enjoyed very much in 2015. The Adversaries is a great addition to the series following the same structure of the first book: alternating between past incarnations of the main characters and the present. The chapters in the past couldn’t quite entertain me that much this time around, but I really loved reading the adventures of everyone in the present.




The Fire Sermon – Francesca Haig


I was really excited about this book, it sounded like such a great story! The first half of the book is paced perfectly, with a fascinating introduction into this post-apocalyptic world. However, in the second half I struggled more and more with keeping my attention on the book. Was it the pacing that slowed down or just the story that took a turn that didn’t captivate me as much? Maybe a combination of both. The ending was really good though, so mixed feelings about this book.



Currently reading

Strange The Dreamer – Laini Taylor


I am a big fan of Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone series, so of course I was excited to hear a new book of hers was being published. I’ve only just started it, so not much to tell yet, but I’m already intrigued by her writing style again.





Gardens of the Moon – Steven Erikson


A ‘classic’ that I haven’t read yet, and it’s about time I do. I’m really curious about my reaction to this one as I’ve seen people who love it an people who don’t like it at all.






Posts this month

Unfortunately January has been a bit quiet because I started as coach for my quidditch team, which took up a bit more of my time. I’ve got some more reviews lined up though!

Review: Caraval – Stephanie Garber


NextΒ books on the TBR list

  • Rivers of London – Ben Aaronovitch
  • Ninefox Gambit – Yoon Ha Lee



  • Nathan

    Weird, we read the same books (or at least series) in January. I was OK with Ember in the Ashes. But I really liked A Darker Shade of Magic and was kinda on the fence about the next book. But if its better then I guess I oughta get to reading.

    • cindydraumrkopa

      Yeah, I saw your review about An Ember in the Ashes! I don’t know why I enjoyed it so much when it had all the ingredients to put me off, but somehow it succeeded.
      I’m a huge fan of Schwab by now, I have also read ‘Vicious’ last year, which was really really good. Already pre-ordered the next book in the Shades of Magic series!