
Update: February

February was another busy month for me: I bought a car (watch out Australia!) and I’ve decided to move house. Unfortunately I have not been able to keep to my ‘one-book-a-week’ resolution, but I’m eager to catch up.

Work has finally settled into some form of routine, with less things going wrong which is really good for my stress-levels. This also means I now have a bit of time to explore what I want to add to the blog from now on. Exciting! I’m going to have a look around at interesting memes started on other blogs that I could participate in and I’ll be starting up the weekly Spotlight again.


Read this month


Edge of Dark – Brenda Cooper

I received this book from Pyr quite a while ago and hadden gotten to it yet. It was always in the back of my mind though and that’s why I brought it with me when I moved to Australia. I’m happy I did because I enjoyed Edge of Dark very much. It is set in a distant future where humans have colonised other planets, but mostly live in space on huge spaceships. Somewhere in humanity’s past we got technology to a point where we created powerful humanoids. Scared of what they could do to us, humanity banished them. But now they are back.
It was an interesting take on a story that has been told before, the ‘robots taking over’. Especially because this time it was also told from one of the robots. With the different factions of humans reacting differently to this new/old threat, it was also very realistic. It reminded me of how divided we are right now. Definitely eager to start the sequel next!


A Conjuring of Light – V.E. Schwab


The last book in the Shades of Magic trilogy and one I had been eagerly awaiting. I pre-ordered the book for my Kindle, so I could start reading right away when it got published. I don’t really know what I was expecting from this book. I loved the previous two books in the trilogy with the second one probably being my favourite.

I’m going to keep my more detailed thoughts for my full review, but even though it was a satisfying end, I missed something. There was lots of action and I really enjoyed reading the conclusion, but there are some parts of the storyline I would have liked a different resolution for.


Currently reading


Strange the Dreamer – Laini Taylor


Yeah, I’m still reading this one. I put it on hold for a bit to read A Conjuring of Light, but last night I picked it up again! It’s an intriguing story and I’m really curious to see where it goes.


Truthwitch – Susan Dennard


This one came up as a bit of a surprise. I was shopping in Kmart and suddenly saw this one and Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman at prices I could actually afford to buy them. So I just went for it. I’ve heard a lot about Truthwitch, it seems like a very well-loved YA book. Will this fall into the category of hyped books that I don’t like? Or will it surprise me? We’ll see!




Posts this month


*Hangs head in shame* Again not a lot of posts last month, but at least some improvement!


Next books on the TBR list


So I didn’t stick to my last list at all. I guess what I decide to read really depends on what mood I am in. I’m still going to try to list some books that are at the top of my TBR though.

  • Spear of Light – Brenda Cooper
  • Children of the Different – S.C. Flynn


  • Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Ooh, Strange the Dreamer! I had a good time with her Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy and I’m really curious about her new book. I also just completed ACOL myself. I agree on the satisfying ending, though I thought the first half of the book was on the slower side.

  • Nathan

    I want to finish up the Shades of Magic series having only read the first one recently. I didn’t like Truthwitch much, maybe it will be better for you.

  • S. C. Flynn

    I am sure you are enjoying Australia, Cindy! I hope you enjoy Children of the Different as well – the setting should be much more familiar to you now.