
Update: What I’ve Been Writing

Hello everyone!

It’s been pretty quiet on the blog again. I promise you though, I haven’t forgotten my promises from January! The last few months have been crazy. I have been working on something for a long time now, specifically writing something. I started it approximately two years ago at the start of my PhD and yesterday it finally got published! *Insert excited squealing here* Unfortunately it’s not a kickass Fantasy of Science Fiction book, but it’s a scientific literature review about my field of work. Combining writing scientific work and book reviews has been a real challenge for me, which is why I focused on the science more. Obviously getting articles published in prominent journals is very important for my career and writing these articles is also something I genuinly enjoy. Hopefully with this one out I can write a few book reviews before the draft of my next paper gets back from my supervisors with comments! Stay tuned, I’ve read some awesome books in the first part of this year and I can’t wait to share them with you all.

If you’re interested in reading my scientificΒ work, here’s the link to the paper. Unfortunately the full text is not accessible without a personal subscription or through a university.

See you all soon!