
Halloween reads

I can’t believe we’re already almost halfway through October! As some of you might know, I’m moving to the UK for a few months next year and the closer it gets, the more excited I am. Only 3,5 months left in Belgium πŸ™‚

Now, we all know that October also means: Halloween! We don’t celebrate it as much as the people in the US and UK do, but we do eat candy and I used to help and dress up for a ‘horror’ tour in the woods for the kids in our town. Last year I tried to read a horror book for Halloween and failed. This year I want to do better and read two!


Salem’s Lot – Stephen King

9917996‘Salem’s Lot is a small New England town with white clapboard houses, tree-lined streets, and solid church steeples. That summer in ‘Salem’s Lot was a summer of home-coming and return; spring burned out and the land lying dry, crackling underfoot. Late that summer, Ben Mears returned to ‘Salem’s Lot hoping to cast out his own devils… and found instead a new unspeakable horror.

A stranger had also come to the Lot, a stranger with a secret as old as evil, a secret that would wreak irreparable harm on those he touched and in turn on those they loved.

All would be changed foreverβ€”Susan, whose love for Ben could not protect her; Father Callahan, the bad priest who put his eroded faith to one last test; and Mark, a young boy who sees his fantasy world become reality and ironically proves the best equipped to handle the relentless nightmare ofΒ ‘Salem’s Lot.


The Unquiet House – Alison Littlewood

20989321Mire House is dreary, dark, cold and infested with midges. But when Emma Dean inherits it from a distant relation, she immediately feels a sense of belonging.

It isn’t long before Charlie Mitchell, grandson of the original owner, appears claiming that he wants to seek out his family. But Emma suspects he’s more interested in the house than his long-lost relations.

And when she starts seeing ghostly figures, Emma begins to wonder: is Charlie trying to scare her away, or are there darker secrets lurking in the corners of Mire House?



I have only read ‘The Shining’ by Stephen King, so I’m practically a Stephen King newbie. I got lots of his book from the book fair last year and haven’t gotten around to reading any of them. Now seems like the perfect time to read one!
The Unquiet House by Alison Littlewood was on my wish list for 2014, because it’s about a haunted house. I have a weak spot for haunted houses, they creep me out. I’m that kind of person that loves watching horror movies but has to have ALL the lights on when going to bed after the movie. I love horror, but I hate it.

Have you read one of these? What did you think? Scary enough for this Halloween?